Николаевские Черноморский государственный университет имени П.Могилы и Международный классический университет имени П.Орлика 9 декабря подписали самое большое соглашение в области образования между Украиной и Норвегией.
Об этом сообщили в МКУ имени П. Орлика.
В рамках соглашения предполагается проведение совместных программ переобучения военнослужащих запаса, демобилизованных участников Антитеррористической операции, членов семей военных гражданским специальностям, обучение и переобучение государственных служащих, программы обмена студентами и многое другое.
Всего меморандум подписали 11 вузов Украины, в том числе Киевский национальный университет имени Т.Шевченко, Львовский национальный политехнический университет, Одесский национальный университет имени И. Мечникова.
От Николаевской области подписывали меморандум директор института постдипломного образования ЧГУ имени П.Могилы Анна Норд и генеральный директор образовательного комплекса МКУ имени П.Орлика Людмила Матвиенко.
The Norwegian-Ukrainian University Alliance
Memorandum of Understanding
Due to involvement of all below mentioned universities (further termed the Partners) in the project “Retraining Military Officers in Ukraine and other Law Enforcement Agencies, Retired Members and their Families and their Employment Assistance” (further termed the Project) during fall term 2014 and recognizing importance of mutual long-term university cooperation for the benefit of the Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation, all below mentioned Partners have agreed to the following:
Article 1
To promote and increase mutually beneficial activities between the Partners for developing new competence needed for promoting Norwegian and Ukrainian cooperation.
Article 2
The Partners will work jointly by stimulating research, education and dissemination activities in the areas they find mutually interesting and beneficial.
Article 3
The Partners will work to generate joint fundraising activities in relation to Horizon2020 and other relevant EU programs.
Article 4
The partners will promote the Norwegian-Ukrainian University Alliance at conferences, workshops, seminars and other events when relevant.
Article 5
For each concrete project there will be a separate agreement describing obligations and rights of the Partners.
Article 6
The Partners agree that the Norwegian-Ukrainian University Alliance can at any time be expanded by allowing more Norwegian and Ukrainian Universities become members.
Institutions Date and signature
Norwegian Partner:
University of Nordland ____________________________ Pål A. Pedersen, Rector
Ukrainian partners:
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ____________, Title of who will be signing or rector
Chernivtsi National Fedkovych University _______________, Title of who will be signing or rector
International Classic University “Ukraina-Pivden” _________, Title of who will be signing or rector
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas ___, Title of who will be signing or rector
Kirovograd Flight Academy of the National Aviation University ___, Title of who will be signing or rector
KROK University of Economics and Law ___________________, Title of who will be signing or rector
L’viv Polytechnic National University _____________________, Title of who will be signing or rector
Odesa I.I.Mechnikov State University _____________________, Title of who will be signing or rector
Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University ___________________, Title of who will be signing or rector
Ternopil’ National Economic University ____________________, Title of who will be signing or rector
South-Ukrainian K.D. Ushynski National Pedagogical University __, Title of who will be signing or rector
Vinnytsya National Technical University ___________________, Title of who will be signing or rector